With Strange Fire

Welcome to With Strange Fire!

This is the official website of Suzanne Titkemeyer, author of “With Strange Fire”. The book is a cautionary tale about what can happen when your sweet Christian church in the countryside starts to drift into high demand religious organization territory. Losing sight of Jesus, straying very far from His words. It’s a tale filled with insights serious and silly, with comedy and drama that happens when you lose the map and the compass is in your other pants.

Suzanne is no stranger to the world of religious recovery, spiritual abuse and non denominational Evangelical Christianity as she was the writer and editor for a Patheos daily column No Longer Quivering for nearly ten years. She left Patheos to work on other writing projects including her book “With Strange Fire” The book will be published in 2023 and reflects how easily one can stray into places filled with strange fire.