Matthew 12:35 “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” You know it’s going to be bad when I post a photo of a calm blue ocean! Written by Suzanne Titkemeyer and originally published at No Longer Quivering Patheos on October 19, 2013 Today some of the more popular media outlets like Buzzfeed,…
Sadly I am slightly defending Katie Joy Paulson. Paulson is a YouTuber and former Patheos blogger who goes by the moniker “Without a Crystal Ball.” She tends to cover reality television in her videos. One of my big objections to Ms. Paulson’s business model is not the content. It’s the methods she uses to share…
Over the years one of the things I’ve loved the most about my faith has been the turning of the liturgical year. In my old church I was the one that decorated for every holiday. On Easter draping the large cross behind the pulpit with rich and lavish purple cloth I’d ironed smooth. With preparing…
I know, I know Etouffee is not bitter, but it’s the only thing sitting in my photos right now, sorry! “People cannot trust Christ if they are completely broken by Church leadership” “Brokenness is a blessing and a curse at the same time. It hurts, it’s not our natural state, but it’s where the marvelous…