So being happy about someone else’s good fortune is enabling their braggadocio? Is that really where this lady wants to go with sharing a photo of a recent economy car purchase? Now had it been a Cybertruck she might have had a slight point! One thing is for certain in the high demand religious organization…
When a simple garment is a flashback point for some of your worst moments in high demand religious organizations. This popped up bright and early this very morn on my social media feed. The humble modest blue jean skirt. Merely one among a pile of “mend it/remake it” videos involving sewing I sometimes peruse. Costa…
I get it, sometimes banks can be awful, but it does not help if you’ve been identified as a hate group leader. Yes, a screen cap of an old video where Steven tried to say his floppering man chesticals and barefoot run like a girl is somehow more manly that Obama works out. What happened?…
Not hamburger most obviously! Fried avocado and shrimp salad, both much healthier for you than that delicious red meat! Originally published at No Longer Quivering Patheos in 2019. Written by Suzanne Titkemeyer Due to some recent ridiculous claims we’re seen recently by people online I think today we need to talk about all the ways…
A few days ago I did my usual beach walk. It was just so much harder than usual because it was high tide. I’d forgotten to check the tide charts and moon phases before heading out. Few sea beans to be found. After a good hour I trudged back to the restaurant we routinely park…
Written by Suzanne Titkemeyer published at No Longer Quivering Patheos on April 25, 2014 One of the biggest challenges I had during my recovery from spiritual abuse was what to say to the people from my old church circle when I’d run into them on the streets of my small town. They’d always want to…
Written by Suzanne Titkmeyer originally published at No Longer Quivering Patheos on December 15, 2013 Recently Kevin Swanson, radio babbler and righteous rabble-rouser against all things not homeschooling fundamentalist Biblical patriarchy has been making more of an ass out of himself than usual. It’s not merely due to the fact that he has a new…
Written by Suzanne Titkemeyer published on No Longer Quivering Patheos on May 12, 2014 A few weekends ago Vyckie forwarded to me a link from Mother Jones magazine involving a book written by Kathryn Joyce. Her new book is about the adopt craze among the evangelical churches and is titled “The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking…
Written by Suzanne Titkemeyer published on No Longer Quivering Patheos on April 16, 2014 Mother Jones magazine has finally published Kathryn Joyce’s account of the Evangelical Movement’s obsession with adoption and the inevitable not so great outcomes when you don’t take practicalities of foreign adoption under consideration. Surely you remember not too many years ago…
Beauty is as subjective as as many varied opinions there are over this tree stump. Some might argue it’s beautiful, some it is ugly. Written by Suzanne Titkemeyer and published at No Longer Quivering Patheos on April 4, 2014 Recently I came across a very disturbing blog posting and another and another and another. It…