With Strange Fire

A Silly Partridge in a Rotten Pear Tree

No I’m not talking of that Keith Partridge and his puka shell beads either! When men decide to define who women are.

We don’t have partridges here in Costa Rica, so here’s the most plentiful bird here, the humble free-range chicken trespassing over my wall. I don’t want to start with the nasty words of a Partridge.

Have you seen this image floating around the internet in the last few days? It’s a screed by a self-appointed non-denominational wanna-be cultural enforcer that goes by the name Dale Partridge. Dale is quite the piece of work in that he’s never met a piece of woman-hating bad theology he didn’t immediately fall in love with, much like a louche immature Keith Partridge falling for the girl-du-jour on television in “The Partridge Family.

So who is Dale Partridge? If you look at online resources you see a guy not yet 40, someone who really hasn’t lived enough years to have developed true wisdom. Someone that tried hard to be famous via first baseball then business development before veering into ministry. Now a pastor out west of a large high demand type of church. He’s written many books from the secular to the Christian amid accusations of plagiarism. Claims to be actively attempting not to plagiarize now.

In many ways, for me at least, he seems to exemplify the “fake it till you make it” trend endemic in this time where becoming famous is the ultimate goal. If I still wrote for a media company his quotes would feature in regular rotation he’s said so many truly horrible things. Just like this list!

This one is quite the list. It’s Dale’s take on what women need to do to be happy in the coming year and includes such bon mots as “Quit Feminism” and “Get Married.” All one size fits all, refusing to understand we’re not all interchangeably alike at all. It’s all unvarnished standard Evangelical boilerplate from the Christian Patriarch movement. Because that’s Dale’s groove, putting women in their place.

As a woman of a certain age, soon to have Medicare, who has lived through many cultural shifts including this one may I say that to be happy in 2025 there is just but two mere things one must do no matter what your gender.

1 – Be who you are, no matter how odd or unusual. Live your authentic truth whatever that might be! Don’t let anyone else define you, or make you smaller.

2 – Live with love. If you start with that small kernel of love for yourself and who you are it will spill out onto your entire life and everyone else. The world needs more love, not less.

Most importantly: Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do these things perfectly. That’s what grace and mercy are for!

If you’re going to go around quoting folks, quoting Christians, you are far better off quoting people like this not quite member of “The Partridge Family” – David Cassidy. No, not that David Cassidy!

What I am thinking about


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